Enrollment Closes on 06/8/2019

Manifestation Masters

Start Living Your Dream in 40 Days!

You, my dear, are a person with a big vision!

But everything you want to manifest hasn't happened yet. 

Maybe you manifest some things easily, but not others.

Or you go in cycles with your manifesting.

You need a system that is replicable...

Something that you can use consistently to help you stay in a high vibrational place.

You’re pushing way too hard to manifest your goals.

So you've given up on some of your dreams.

And you're having FOMO as you watch all of the other people around you succeed.

I’ve been there.

You’re doubting yourself, wondering what you're doing wrong.

Instead of living your dreams, you’re settling.

But deep down you know you're destined for more.

If you’re not completely satisfied with where you are at this stage of your life,

and you know you can do better...

Then you’re in the right place!

Welcome to the easy way to manifest
consistently in all areas of your life.

All that you want is already there for you.

You just need to learn how.

"With Jen’s help, I had my first $60,000 and I got a book deal with Hay House.

Jen helps me dream bigger and go for it."

- Robin Green, Founder of Acupuncture Pediatrics & Kids Love Acupuncture

IMAGINE stepping into your dream life NOW. 

Having the confidence, clarity, freedom, love, support, health, & spiritual practice…

The business success, home, & financial cushion to be able to do whatever you want whenever you want to…

Yes! You can have all that you desire.

Your dreams are there for a reason.

If only you could get out of your own way.

It all starts here:

The Manifestation Masters Program.

40 days. Change your life.

Starting Tuesday, July 2, 2019

We start on the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse.

Eclipses are there for your transformation. You can take a quantum leap if you know how to take advantage of this energy.

This is the ONLY total solar eclipse of the entire year.

It’s the perfect time to focus your intentions in order to see results.

You probably know what you want, but there’s something holding you back.

You need help identifying your blocks & clearing them.

It’s time for the right mindset support & strategy to make your big dreams real.

You’re ready to make a change.

Gain the confidence and step-by-step process to make it happen!

It’s time that you mastered this manifestation thing once and for all.


“During the 40 days of Manifestation Masters, I manifested over $11K in products, services, sales and support! This was a new high for me and it was all a direct result of the tools I used in the program.

On top of the financial benefits, I learned a lot and made new friends, all in a safe, fun environment.”

- Anuradha Kowtha, Transformation Consultant, Manifest By Design www.manifestbydesign.com

Meet Your Manifestation Guide, Jen Mazer

Jen Mazer

Before I go much further, let me tell you a little bit more about myself.

I’m Jen Mazer, the Queen of Manifestation®, and I’m so happy that you’ve decided to find out how you can finally live the life of your dreams, the one you know you’ve been destined to live.

I’m here to show you that YES, you can really have it all.

I manifested my soulmate (a successful rockstar), gave birth to a beautiful daughter at home, lived rent-free in Manhattan for 10 years in an apartment with a jacuzzi, had my artwork published in the New York Times & New York Magazine, have traveled all over the world numerous times to Africa, India, South America, Bali, Europe, and more. 

I’ve become friends with people I used to admire. I've rubbed elbows with legends at a small private cocktail party hosted by Martin Scorsese, chatted it up with Deepak Chopra, hung with Whoopi Goldberg backstage at the UN, and so much more.

Now my love and I are building the first green solar school in Lagos Nigeria that collects rainwater.

I’ve come to understand that the more abundant I am, the more I can help others experience abundance in their lives.

I now run a successful business helping people just like you achieve your dreams.

My clients are transforming the world. (Seriously. Check out the testimonials below.)

Things continue to come easily to me.

Most recently, I had the idea to write a book and said it out loud. A week later, I got an email from a publishing house asking me to write my book, “Manifesting Made Easy,” part of Simon & Schuster.

I got asked by my friend to co-create a new positive board game, Sparked, and then after raising $59,000 in one month to go to manufacturing, I got asked to present and play it at TED.

And then I was paid to be in a Lincoln Car commercial talking about myself and the game!

I have so many stories to share. Way too much to put on a website. 

Listen, life doesn’t have to be as hard as you’re probably making it out to be.

You too have the power within you to live out your dreams with ease.

That’s why I created the Manifestation Masters® Program.

As Featured In:

As Featured In
Jen Mazer Photos

It’s my mission to help you experience firsthand that anything is possible for you.

If you can dream it, you can live it.

You’re here because you’re ready to finally take charge of your life so that you can experience true freedom.

My Manifestation Masters Program was designed for people like you who have big visions, but haven’t fully seen your goals manifest to the level you desire.

You might be familiar with the concept of manifesting, but perhaps you’ve come to a standstill.

This program will get you moving and take you to the next level.

I give you the strategies, tools and activities that you’ll need to begin manifesting like a master with the skills you already have.

In fact, within the next 40 days, you will implement these strategies and attract the right people & the right circumstances to make your dreams a reality.

This is my 20th time running this program.

I know my system works!

You’ll be surprised at how fast & how much you can manifest once you truly know how to do it.

This Could Be You!

"I got crystal clear on what I wanted – and within a week, I secured 3 new clients!" 

- Amy Levine, www.igniteyourpleasure.com

"I realized I was the main thing standing in the way of me having a fantastic life. It opened me up to really life-changing experiences."

- Shauntee Henry, Professional Dancer & Trainer

"Jen’s program changed the game for me. In no time, I manifested the right people and circumstances to fully heal and become a true force of nature. Jen is amazing!"

- Megan Hartig, www.MeganHartig.com

Here's What You'll Receive:

Get ready to become a Manifestation Master.

For the next 40 days, you’ll be supported by an incredible community of likeminded people going for their dreams.

And you’ll be guided by the Queen.

Content is delivered in small actionable lessons you’ll receive every day for 40 days.

Module 1

Getting Clear on Your Purpose
You’ll learn:

  • How to get crystal clear on exactly what you want in all areas of your life.
  • My #1 Tool for stepping into abundance– How to take your vision up a notch
  • The secret for success– The best way to write out your intentions for manifesting– The fastest way to become your dream!

Module 2

Creating Your Dream Life
You’ll learn:

  • How to prioritize your big dream
  • Ways to be held accountable
  • How to create daily reminders of your vision
  • The best way to stay happy when bad things happen
  • How to meditate
  • The manifesting tool that's WAY better than any vision board (AND you create your own during the class!)

Module 3

Clearing Your Blocks to Abundance

You’ll learn:

  • How to say no to the things that no longer serve you
  • How to stay positive when things don't always go as planned
  • The best way to forgive old hurts holding you back
  • How to identify and get rid of your limiting beliefs
  • Ancient wisdom for releasing -How to clear your clutter

Module 4

Stepping Into Your Vision

You’ll learn:

  • Simple habits to make your life easier
  • How to practice non-attachment
  • The best way to conquer your fears
  • How to get people rallying for your big dream
  • How to manifest money!
  • The best way to increase your intuition
  • How generosity brings in more abundance
  • The only thing you'll ever need to manifest a life you love

This Could Be You!

Wow, this program sent me on a journey that I did not expect! I experienced some real soul searching and started on a spiritual path I wasn’t expecting, but yearned for.

I manifested paying off my credit cards!

I can’t believe what a relief that is and now I can focus that energy of worrying into even better things. And I started meditating, something I always wanted to do, but never could because of my mind chatter.

It has really been a life transforming program, every one of my days will be better because of the gifts you have given me!”

- Polly Wilson, Artist, www.pollyzbag.com


“Jen is my go-to guide for inspiration and positive affirmations. 

She helped clarify my decisions to quit my day job, take yoga teacher’s training after years of wanting to, move out of my old apartment, and finally let go of that old relationship.

With Jen on my side, I know that anything is possible.”

- Cara Mia Harris 

Claire Hayes

“I feel more confident and inspired to know that I can live my dreams!

Jen’s energy shines throughout Manifestation Masters.

The fact that she personally commented on ALL of the posts in the private facebook group was by far my favorite feature.

I would definitely recommend Manifestation Masters for the clarity of the way Jen organized the material, the wealth of information, and most importantly for Jen’s energy and enthusiasm.

I think Jen is great, and this course was fabulous!”

- Claire Hayes, EFT Practitioner, www.clairephayes.com


“Jen, I’ve been recommending you like crazy because of the instant results!

Manifestation Masters helped me clear my blocks to money & abundance. I transitioned from not believing I could make $3000 a month to confidently asking for $5000. I have a rough business plan now that includes hiring help and setting sales goals. I no longer think of myself as “small!”

Jeanee Ledoux


“In just 60 days (40 of which were in the program), I launched, wrote, designed, fully crowdfunded, printed and shipped my first book. I manifested over 2 times my goal in my kickstarter campaign, and I gave my first TEDx talk!

Because of working with Jen, my mindset has changed and now I have more trust and belief that everything will be OK.

There aren’t many people in my life who believe in the woo-woo stuff, so it took a bit of a leap of faith. And I am so glad that I signed up!

Jen’s program is practical and helpful in tangible ways and is not just based on the idea that ‘if you believe it, it can be.’

Manifestation has become a really important tool in allowing me to reach into my own ability to find and share my muchness and use it as a tool to make my life better and more purposeful and successful.”

- Tova Gold, Co-Founder of EarSeeds.com

Leah Guzman

"Manifestation Masters has really been transformational for me!

I identified my blocks and changed the way I was thinking about things. I have increased my self-worth. I learned how to stay in high vibration and I now feel confident that everything I envisioned is manifesting.

I’m grateful for the payment plan.

Thank you Jen. You helped me understand the importance of investing in myself, and now I’ve been able to launch my art career.

I love your work and all that you do!”

– Leah Guzman, Artist & Art Therapist, www.leahguzman.com

Karla Gore

“Being in a high vibration place for 40 days changed my life!

I already knew a little bit about manifesting, but being part of the group made a huge difference.

I am still using the techniques I learned in the program almost daily. And, I was contacted by a major magazine in my industry wanting to partner with ME – it was a huge success as a result of my work in Manifestation Masters!”

- Karla Gore, Surfit USA

Program Features:

Let me be clear,

This is not like other programs where you’re left alone to do the work (and you never finish).

Instead, you hear from me every single day of our program –

So that you stay in a high vibrational place while you’re manifesting.

Plus we’ll talk LIVE every week.

That's 6 Weekly Coaching Calls with me!

Our weekly group coaching calls will take place on Wednesdays at 12pm EST.

You can participate from anywhere in the world! You don’t have to worry about missing one. They will all be recorded and available for you to download and listen to later.

And the favorite feature by far from past participants has been our private Facebook group.

You get personal feedback from me on your specific goals. 

I’m in there every single day responding to your homework and posts and providing valuable feedback and support.

It's like having me as your private coach for 40 days, except for A LOT less money.

She manifested her Dream Car in 40 Days!

Manifest a New Car

In Manifestation Masters, you'll get:

  • Daily Emails: hear from me everyday to keep you in a high vibration.
  • Weekly Videos: Fun & Inspirational. No reading from a script here.
  • Audio Visualizations: Downloadable to listen to at your own convenience
  • Downloadable PDF Worksheets: Yours to keep and go back to over and over again.
  • 6 Weekly Group Coaching Calls: Get a chance to be coached by Jen directly on these intimate 60 minute calls. Plus she leads manifestation exercises with the group and selects a volunteer to work with directly on behalf of the others each time! She always stays on the phone until everyone’s questions are answered. All calls are recorded and replays are mailed for those who can’t make them live.
  • Access to Our Private Facebook Group: A priceless resource to get feedback on your goals and projects. Jen is in there daily reviewing every single thing you post. When you finally have your tribe of people reflecting your dream back to you, it manifests much faster!

This Could Be You!


“My heart is more open to life’s possibilities, even one’s I didn’t imagine, like being interviewed on the Katie Couric show.

Because of Manifestation Masters, I’ve completed multiple half marathons and triathlons – something I never thought myself capable of completing before – and I use Jen’s tools throughout my training.

I am a lot more positive. Even when I see a hurdle, I am way more quick to forgive and put my good practices back into place.

I totally recommend this program. I love Jen’s energy. The tools are not overwhelming or far-fetched. They are things that are easy to do and bring about big BIG change.

It helped me focus, and get real with myself. It also helped me see all that was possible in my life. And why not?!

THANK YOU JEN! You are lovely, kind, encouraging and are living your words. I am so happy to have found your program and be connected with you. xx.”

- Kate Dimple


“If people want to learn more about manifesting and the power it holds, Jen is THE person to learn from!"

- Kirsten LaGreca, Fashion Stylist


“I had signed up for so many courses this year that I was worried I really should focus on the info I already had.

But after taking Manifestation Masters, I am now more aware about my money blocks and how to shift them.

I was able to increase my sales by 20% for the holiday season.

I liked the format of the program. What seems like subtle small exercises made a big difference in my mindset. It’s an intense amount of information, but well worth the effort to keep up!

Thank you Jen. I really enjoyed this course.”

Stacey Budge-Kamison


"Working with Jen and a group of supportive people opens us up. Anyone feeling stuck or scared, ready to move forward and not sure how, I highly recommend Manifestation Masters."

- Tara Segda

But wait, there's more...


8 Money Manifesting Audios ($597 Value)


Turn Your Manifesting into “MONEY-festing” with Denise Duffield-Thomas

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • Anyone who has read a personal development book can learn how to manifest but why do people get stuck on money?
  • How you can turn “luck” into actual cash in the bank
  • Why you making money is important for the planet

Bari Tessler Linden

The Art of Money with Bari Tessler Linden

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • The 3 Doorways of Financial Transformation:
  • Money Healing
  • Money Practices
  • Money Maps

Peggy McColl

Destinies Fulfilled with Peggy McColl

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • How to Manifest Money with Ease
  • How to Manifest Your Dream Home
  • How she’s helped numerous Authors Become NY Times Best-Sellers
  • A simple practice to bring in more Abundance

Janet Attwood

Wealth is an Inside Out Job with Janet Attwood

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • How to come up with your top 5 passions so that you can consistently choose in favor of the things that have the most meaning for you
  • The Passion Test Formula for a “do less-accomplish more” world
  • “The Secret” to living a passionate life

Susann Taylor Shier

The Soul of Financial Freedom – You CAN have it all! with Susann Taylor Shier

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • Manifest TRUE success
  • Open yourself to the infinite opportunities that exist HERE and NOW
  • Master daily activities with DIRECTION and purpose
  • Determine what decisions will ACTIVATE success
  • Learn how to achieve financial freedom -NATURALLY

Amanda Moxley

How to Finally End Your Money Drama, Ditch the Feast-Or-Famine Roller coaster and Start Making More Money than you Did All of Last Year! with Amanda Moxley

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • Why now it’s time to put a FORK in your F’in Money Story and be done with it for good
  • The 5 juicy secrets you must know if you are serious about getting off of the money roller coaster ride
  • Discover the One Tiny Thing That is Keeping You Small, Scared and Broke
  • Learn the real meaning of DEBT and how to heal the shame, embarrassment and fear forever
  • Hear more about Amanda’s quantum leap once she put a Fork in her F’in money story
  • Discover how to TAP into your unique divine spiritual TRUST FUND so that you can double your income or better in the next 12 months

Rha Goddess

Make Your Purpose Profitable with Rha Goddess

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • How to be Spiritual and Profitable
  • What to do if you doubt you have what it takes
  • Why traditional business coaching doesn’t work
  • How to stop struggling and achieve long-term sustainable success

How to Manifest Money Easily with Dr. Joe Vitale

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn:

  • What’s really stopping you from manifesting the money you deserve
  • How you can clear your blocks
  • Easy ways you can instantly manifest money right now
  • What Karmic Marketing is and how you can use it to attract wealth
  • Fear vs. Faith
  • Advanced Manifesting Practices


A Ticket to Manifest It LIVE! in NYC ($1097 Value)

Join me for my weekend event in April 2020 in New York City.

Featuring World-Class Speakers, Workshops, and Presenters.

Plus meet other manifestation masters, gain new friendships and an upgraded network of support!

That's over $1500 in bonuses alone!

She manifested her dream home during Manifestation Masters!

Manifest a dream home

Enrollment Closes on 06/28/2019


Choose which Payment Option works for you:


Extend your payments over 12 months




  • Unlimited Access to all of the program content
  • Private Facebook Group
  • All downloadable pdfs & meditations
  • Participate in 6 LIVE Group Calls and ask Jen your individual questions
  • BONUS: 8 Money Manifesting Audios
  • BONUS: A Ticket to Manifest It LIVE


14 day money back guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied with this course at the end of 2 weeks and you can show me that you’ve completed all of your homework assignments, I will happily refund all of your money. That’s how much I believe in this program! If you do the work, you will see a shift! By signing up, you agree to these terms & conditions.

Hear from More of our Manifestation Masters:

Kathy Davis

"I've read about manifestation and have even taken other courses, but this program broke down the steps to manifestation more specifically.

The daily assignments helped me focus my energy, and the weekly calls were so valuable!”

- Kathy Davis


“We manifested $20,000 in one week after doing Jen’s exercise.

Jen has such positive energy that I knew she would be great to work with on a deeper level. I made huge strides in my business and I manifested a fabulous new assistant. I now have the tools to experience gratitude and abundance on a regular basis and I’m able to clear away negative thoughts more often.

I definitely recommend working with her!! Jen’s positive energy is infectious and amazing things can happen when we work together!

Jen Mazer, I SO have to thank you for upping my manifesting game! Now I can say I manifested an ocean.. And in my backyard! ???? Our new home in Florida.”

- Christina Caudill, www.radiantastrology.com


“People, this woman is magical.

She has the ability to make you believe and make your dreams come out so vividly that you won’t be able to deny them anymore because they will be already happening.

Do her course, thank me later."

- Elena Nebreda


"What I liked most about Manifestation Masters is inexplicable; or maybe it’s everything!

Before Manifestation Masters, I felt like I was just going with the flow of life. My job was ok. I was happy. My life was ok. Nothing was grand and spectacular. I had dreams but thought they weren’t meant for me.

Manifestation Masters gave me the insight, focus, clarity, hope, and drive, to get out there and go for my dreams! Yes, I still have obstacles and fears come up, but MM has given me the tools to work through all of that. I know that from here forward, things are only going to get better and better. I no longer worry about if there will be enough money to pay the bills – there will be. I have abundance – it is attracted to me!

What I liked most about Manifestation Masters is inexplicable; or maybe it’s everything.

I looked forward to that email I got every day. I found that the material that came, was always answering the fear or question that had come up in the meantime. I loved the phone calls, although I was unable to attend some of them. I think I especially loved the meditations on the phone calls; knowing there were other people on the phone, all over the world, doing the same things I was doing. I also really enjoyed the Facebook group.

I would definitely recommend the program. I think it’s great for everyone, no matter what their dreams may be. It is extremely versatile, and gives a lot of guidance that people need more than they think they do in this modern day.

Never hold back anything from Jen. She is the most understanding, caring person I have ever met, and can help you through it all!

Thank you for this program, and for always being you <3”

– Melissa Manfredo, Singer

Janet Attwood

“Thank you Jen. I love you. You’re a soul sister.”

- Janet Bray Attwood, NY Times Best-selling Author of 'The Passion Test'

"I’ve followed Jen for a few years now and this time I finally signed up for her program on the very last night enrollment was open.

I wanted to break through a money ceiling in my business (and the year I took Manifestation Masters was my best year yet!)

I begin writing and crafting what’s next for my teachings and offerings for embodiment and movement experiences for women. I feel like my message is being distilled down to its most potent magic as I commit to this writing practice more and more.

I also wanted to be around her energy and be part of a community of powerful women. I attended her live event in NYC last October and had a fabulous time visioning with this community and still keep in touch with several of them. I feel supported.

It’s so exciting to watch what we are all manifesting!”

– Cheri Dostal Ryba, RYT, Women’s Embodiment and Movement Expert, www.cheridostal.com

“Jen put a spin on my negative mindsets and challenged me to re-write those beliefs and limitations. I now make more money than I ever have before doing what I love.”

- Chantelle Adams, Founder of chantelleadams.com and thecouragerevolution.com


"I finally resolved a legal matter that I had been dealing with for nearly 3 years!

When the program started, I was in a transition period and wasn’t sure what I wanted.

Manifestation Masters helped me gain clarity and confidence so I could be comfortable with the fact that I DO know what I want – and how to get it.

Jen, you’re an awesome, supportive spirit, and so much fun!”

- April Thompson, Digital Marketing Consultant and Travel Coach, www.AbsoluteTravelAddict.com

Frequently Asked Questions

This Could Be You!


"While working with Jen, I had opportunities come out of “nowhere” and lots of money, freebies and gifts flow in.

Before Manifesting Masters, I had tools for manifesting but Jen taught me strategies I had never heard of or used before. What I learned super-charged my existing practices to create bigger things. Now as a result I think even bigger and wider than before.

Jen makes the process fun and can see where the missing pieces are that may be causing disruption in our ability to manifest. She is also very fun and loving throughout the process. The support of the group is tremendous too.

While working with Jen, I had opportunities come out of “nowhere” and lots of money, freebies and gifts flow in. I recommend this course to people who are new to manifesting and also to those who have been at it awhile but know they are ready for the next level!”

– Wendy Collier, SoulFUEL™ Business & Freedom Mentor, www.wendycollier.com


"As soon as I read about Manifestation Masters, I knew I wanted to sign up, but I really hesitated on the price. Once I saw there was a payment plan, it was a no brainer!

I’m all about manifesting and have actually used a lot of these resources before. But I always love to learn new ways or secrets! Plus, it’s awesome to do it in a group. I have benefited by connecting with like minded people. The program format was great, and the facebook group was awesome. I LOVED the Acting As If day. It’s one thing to announce your manifestations to yourself and friends. But it’s entirely different with people you don’t know. It helps to make it seem more magical.

Manifestation Masters is amazing. Jen is very sincere and genuine about her mission to help create manifestistas. I love that we have unlimited access to the program. There’s NO doubt in my mind that I will get a lot more out of this program as I go back and do it again. I’m sure I will use the tools for life. Thanks, Jen!”

– Alison Jennings


"Manifestation Masters is a mind-blowing experience. I would definitely recommend it!

It brought a totally new perspective of life to me. The program is rich with content.

I loved all of your constant support. You gave the most to us and taught us everything! You’re such an inspiration. I love your way of being, Jen! You are awesome in every way. You truly are pure love and light.

It was such a privilege to be part of this program. I am forever grateful to you, Jen, for being such an inspiring leader and mentor and coach! I am looking forward to the next adventure with you!”

- Teja Rot

"I hesitated to sign up since I’d be a man in a woman’s program. But I actually wasn’t the only guy!

Your course seemed like it would be a great kick in the ass so that I could move forward, and I knew I needed support to be successful. The payment plan made it possible for me. And since I’ve been working with Jen, my income has increased!

Before Manifestation Masters, I thought I would need to have completed various jobs and gained various skills and funding before starting on my big dream. I thought I would have to prove myself worthy before beginning to work on my movie project. But because of the program, I’m doing it now!

And as a creative person, I’m full of ideas and sometimes I feel like I’m going to burst if there’s no output. If I hold them inside, it’s the worst thing in the world for me. Now that I’m working on my movie, everything else is flowing as well. Everything else is just so easy.

Now I see that there is no reason to hold back. Starting my big dream only required an idea and a pen and paper! It literally is that simple! As a result of beginning the writing of my screenplay, I see that all the stuff I thought I would have to be done first, the small stuff, is easy peasy!

I am thinking differently about myself and what I can accomplish. Because of your class, I have come face to face with the feelings that had been holding me back and I’m releasing them. I’m at a major pivot point. Jen is very sweet, loving and supportive, which makes it easier for people to open up and recognize their own self-criticism. 

I definitely recommend Manifestation Masters! I would love to see all of my friends start manifesting their dream lives, and you can help them get there! Thank you so much, Jen!”

– Scott Hall, Intuitive/Photographer


“I’m grateful that I joined Jen’s Manifestation Masters Program. It has really changed my life!”

- Sari Ramzan, Chiropractor, founder of www.thehouseofsari.org

“I had read tons of self help books but have never done an actual course where other people hold you accountable. Then I thought that maybe that’s what I needed the most to succeed – And it was!!

Before Manifestation Masters, my life had fallen back into a comfortable pattern where I couldn’t see progression if I didn’t shake something up. Now my life is shifting into the life I always wanted, but was to afraid to ask for!

I now have a way to work to make positive things happen which in turn create my life. I’m letting go of a lot of limiting beliefs and thoughts that were passed down unknowingly. I’ve also begun healing myself from issues with my childhood.

I was worried about the cost of the program and how to come up with payment. But I knew I wasn’t going to go anywhere if I didn’t make a move outside of my comfort zone. And guess what? Because of the program, my business revenue increased so much that I consistently made a profit to pay myself for the first time in 6 months!

I think anyone will benefit from the steps Jen has laid out. I have already gifted her book to my daughter and plan to gift more.

I think people should be ready for the awesomeness and the feeling of motivation that comes from taking Manifestation Masters. Be ready to take some form of action. It’s so worth it.

Thank you Jen for helping me see the change I was looking for. You’re an amazing spirit and human!!”

– Natalie Buck Parks, Metaphysical Healer. Sacred Moonbows

Enrollment Closes on 06/28/2019


Choose which Payment Option works for you:


Extend your payments over 12 months




  • Unlimited Access to all of the program content
  • Private Facebook Group
  • All downloadable pdfs & meditations
  • Participate in 6 LIVE Group Calls and ask Jen your individual questions
  • BONUS: 8 Money Manifesting Audios
  • BONUS: A Ticket to Manifest It LIVE


14 day money back guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied with this course at the end of 2 weeks and you can show me that you’ve completed all of your homework assignments, I will happily refund all of your money. That’s how much I believe in this program! If you do the work, you will see a shift! By signing up, you agree to these terms & conditions.

You deserve to live in abundance.

It’s time to get back into the driver’s seat of your life, to dream bigger, and allow yourself to receive even more than you’ve ever imagined.

By you shining your light on the world at this time, you’ll inspire others to do the same.

Do you have the courage to say yes to your desires?

Now is the time.

Join us in becoming a Manifestation Master.

I can’t wait to take you on this journey!

PS: I know you have unique gifts that are waiting to be unleashed and brought to the world. Only you have the power to do something about it. The choice is yours and the time is now.

PPS: The power of manifesting is magnified when you’re supported by others rather than trying to go it alone.

PPPS: Remember my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Still not sure if this course is right for you? Email me at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help answer any of your questions.

“I can’t recommend Manifestation Masters highly enough! All I have to say is wow! 

I am so overwhelmed by all of this. So many tears of joy flowing out of me right now. I’m truly manifesting my dreams.”

- Natalie Neckyfarow, Actress

Elicia Miller

"I hired Jen for a VIP day, and we made our monthly money goal in 3 days! So I signed up for Manifestation Masters with my husband to moved forward with our goals and dreams together.

Before Manifestation Masters, I felt alone and stuck with how best to move forward with what I was working on in my business and with my husband.

Since Manifestation Masters I have been able to complete a project that seemed daunting that is already generating passive income for me. Anytime I had a question or I felt stuck, you just shifted my energy because it just opened up like a new possibility and there was nothing to stress over. Also, amazing synchronicities are happening often these days, such as meeting JP Sears and Teal Swan during our trip to Costa Rica.

Jen you helped us tremendously! As a couple, we experienced a huge breakthrough in our individual beliefs that were causing stress in our relationship and blocks in our business and money. You also helped us by nudging us to do something that generated new clients for both of our businesses.

Because of the program, we decided to live part-time on the beach in Costa Rica, and within a couple weeks of the program ending, we found where we want to live and Doug even found our dream lot to buy and has started to plan the design of our beach home on the hill!

Now, months later I am writing my book “Your Symptoms Are A Gift!” and Doug and I just got our own radio show called “The Intimacy Hour”. We envisioned and wrote both of those down during the program.

I highly recommend Manifestation Masters. Just having those daily practices made a huge difference. I felt so supported. Everyone has the power to manifest and Jen’s program has all the elements to help make it happen.

Jen’s energy is a gift to be around, she will connect you to your higher self. If you don’t know what to do or how to move forward, just ask, she will help you and you will feel instantly better. There’s so much good that happened as a result of Manifestation Masters! I love you Jen Mazer!!!

I recommend working with Jen 1000%

– Elicia Miller, Core Emotional Healing & Candida Expert, www.eliciamiller.com

Rickie Byars Beckwith

“I know who to call if I get stuck.

Because every now and then you need a refresher to remind you of what you know. If I need to remember, I’m gonna call the Queen of Manifestation.”

- Rickie Byars Beckwith, World-Reknowned Singer 

"I took Manifestation Masters (twice) and had incredible results.

Everything from relationships, to business growth, to reconnecting with my own spirituality -

So many of my affirmations came true!

  • I manifested (and sold out!) my first meditation retreat for doctors
  • A >100% growth in my business in 2018
  • A loving relationship with an incredible man
  • A house with an incredible bathroom (when I started Manifestation Masters, I was living in a 470 sq foot apartment!)
  • And I’ve stuck with my workout routine 4-5 days per week for almost a year!
  • As for the affirmations that I didn’t manifest, I was grateful and able to surrender to EVEN BETTER THINGS that came instead.

I want to give my utmost gratitude and praise to Jen for taking SUCH care for all of the people in her programs.

Her passion and expertise are extraordinary, and I owe so many of the wonderful things in my life (material and emotional) to her.

Thank you so much Jen!”

– Jill Wener, MD, Owner of Conscious Health Meditation & Wellness, www.meditationinmedicine.com

Copyright 2019 Queen of Manifestation LLC | All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Terms & Conditions | Photos by Tanya Malott and Jen Mazer
